Dr.Omprakash H .M., M.Sc (Phy).,M.Sc (Psy)., M.A (Psy)., M.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D., OCORMPG., UOEL (UOL,Canada)
Currenrly working as an Professor in Department of curriculum and instructions, College of education and behavioral sciences, Bule Hora University, Adola Guji Region, Oromia State, Ethiopia. Prior to this, I was also Principal in Sri Murugha Rajendra Swamiji B.Ed and M.Ed College, Reshmi Vidya Bhavan, Kusnoor Road, Kalburagi, Karnataka, India. He has 12 years of experience in B.Ed and M.Ed College and 05 years experience in Research field. He has attended and presented more than 127 papers in many District, State, Regional, National, World and International Seminars, Conferences, Workshops, and published his paper in Journals, Magazines with ISBN, ISSN and also chaired the session in many National, International seminars and conferences, attended as a resource person in many workshops conducted by IGNOU and colleges and universities. Visited and presented papers in many universities in SriLanka, Nepal, Indonesia and other countries. Published 02 Books, Edited 03 books with ISBN and ISSN numbers. He is also interested in literature and has composed more than 45 poems in English. He has invented and developed Nano-teaching (Visit website: www.nanoteaching.info), Edutain Method and Banjar Script. Represented all India wrestling Competition held at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Kashi, Uttarpradesh. His main fields of interests are; Psychology, Research Methodology and Technology.